logodynamip.jpg (2633 bytes) DUN/RAS log

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DynamIP can generate a DUN/RAS log file for you. Based on this log file DIPconn.LOG you can calculate your on-line time, phone charges, etc. DynamIP is always in one of the following 8 states:

State StateID Explanation
START STRT Initial state after startup.
IDLE IDLE DynamIP is not doing anything.
DIAL DIAL DynamIP is dialing.
FAILURE/HANGUP FAIL Establishing a connection failed. Hang up.
CONNECT CNCT DynamIP is connected.
HANGUP HANG DynamIP is hanging up.
DISCONNECT DISC DynamIP is disconnecting.
EXIT EXIT DynamIP is being shut down.

The following state chart shows you the possible transitions:

dynamipdunrasstatechart.gif (6470 bytes)

The following is a sample log file:

STRT 14-06-98 22:03:28 CONN.888-0223 SatLnk
IDLE 14-06-98 22:03:28 CONN.888-0223 SatLnk
DIAL 14-06-98 22:03:28 CONN.888-0223 SatLnk
CNCT 14-06-98 22:03:57 CONN.888-0223 SatLnk
HANG 14-06-98 22:39:31 CONN.888-0223 SatLnk
DISC 14-06-98 22:39:32 CONN.888-0223 SatLnk
EXIT 14-06-98 22:47:54 CONN.888-0223 SatLnk
STRT 14-06-98 22:57:56 CONN.888-0223 SatLnk
IDLE 14-06-98 22:57:56 CONN.888-0223 SatLnk
DIAL 14-06-98 22:57:56 CONN.888-0223 SatLnk
FAIL 14-06-98 22:58:01 CONN.888-0223 SatLnk
DIAL 14-06-98 22:58:07 CONN.888-0223 SatLnk
CNCT 14-06-98 22:58:35 CONN.888-0223 SatLnk
HANG 14-06-98 23:06:14 CONN.888-0223 SatLnk
DISC 14-06-98 23:06:14 CONN.888-0223 SatLnk
EXIT 14-06-98 23:10:12 CONN.888-0223 SatLnk

If I find the time to put together a spreadsheet that analyzes the log file I'll make it available here. If you have developed an analyzer, please send me a copy by e-mail so that I can make it available to other users as well. Thx in advance.

If you need a tool that analyzes the performance of your Internet connection (real-time!) you should try DialUpMonitor (this is also Freeware!).

Last modified: March 30, 1999
OFFLINE visitors since May 1, 1998

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